My name is Sara Bonderud, and I am attending Thompson Rivers University. Currently, I am working towards my Bachelor of Arts degree, with an intent to go towards a Bachelor of Education degree. I have always been fascinated with History, but more so now that I have gotten older, and have begun to appreciate the insight history can give into our everyday lives. The top item on my bucket list is to go to Europe and study the different landmarks all around, that are rich and saturated with different historical events. I am also intrigued with how history is worked into some of the most famous works of art in the world. Some examples being the musicals Les Miserables, and more recently, Hamilton. I love how these musicals give a new life to the events of the past, and find a way to captivate audiences with the stories that happened so long ago. I hope to one day be able to entice the people I share my love of history with, as much as these incredible musicals can.

*Below is the opening song from Hamilton*